These kids are killing me slowly. Death by sleep depravation. The Pirate howled like a baby last night for thirty solid minutes. I *thought* it was the baby and I was employing the cry it out method which I feel is cruel but entirely necessary at the same time. I've hit the place where self-preservation insticts have outrun mother-instincts when it comes to sleep. I tell myself he needs to learn how to our himself back to sleep, he needs to learne how to put himself back to sleep, he needs to... I chant this to myself like a midnight mantra. SO. I thought the screaming was the baby until... Hubs got up and said a few words to the Pirate... Then the baby took his turn, but he only cried for two minutes, which was nice. Then instead of wailing like an infant, Pirate tried the "Mom."........... "Mommmm." tactic. I've never been able to ignore that one. At night that is.
So. It was a long night. It was shadows, and lay with me, and I had a bad dream, and I'm hungry...
But that didn't stop him from being bright-eyed and ready for the day at 6:45. I tried to buy more sleep by letting him play games on his own. Then I bribed him to make his own breakfast. And now he's yelling from the living room, "Mom! It's morning! Time to get up!"
I guess I'd better.
Happy Wednesday.
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