Saturday, January 3

blue-eyes and freckles and holes in his jeans

Today was a bleak, gray day. It alternated between snow and rain and left the roads a slick, thick, slushy mess. I didn't especially want to go anywhere, but Pirate has been cooped-up indoors since the week before Christmas and he overheard me mention to Hubs this morning that the library books needed returned. About half way through the day he came to me, "Mom! We're running out of time! We have to go to the library!"

I love this Little Pirate, but when it comes to getting this kid dressed and out the door... The phrase "pulling teeth" comes to mind. So, not really wanting to go anywhere I decided to put it all on him. I told him he needed to get completely dressed, socks, shoes, gloves, hat, everything all on his own, and then we could go. I figured he'd loose interest and find something else to do. But no. Much to my surprise he came back a handful of minutes later with this proud grin stretching across his face. I snatched him up and he let me kiss on his cheek and pick him up into full bear hug. (Two years ago he loved it every time I kissed his face or squeezed him tight. These days he's more resistant.)("No more kisses, Mom!")

We went to the library, he held my hand. He helped me return books and pick out new ones. We stopped and sat on a bench to read Dream Train, Steam Train because he just couldn't wait until we got home. When he saw me adding Is Everyone Ready For Fun? to our bag he said, "Oh! Thank you, Mom! I love that book!" He didn't run away. He didn't use a loud voice. He didn't pitch a fit when it was time to go. In other words, this kid is growing up.

He even buckles himself sometimes when the weather is nice and/or we're in a huge hurry. (If the weather is misery and/or we have all the time in the world he suddenly is incapable.)


Tonight after we tucked that kiddo into bed, Hubs pointed out the fact that he is no longer a sunbeam. Tomorrow he'll be whatever the next class is. CTR 4? I remember last year I stood in the bathroom and cried tears when I dropped him off at Primary. I don't think I'll cry this year, but still. The speed at which he's growing makes my head spin a little.

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