Monday, January 12

the day will take care of itself, i'm pretty sure

I'm having a bit of trouble deciding how to tackle this day. It's not that I have anything especially pressing that must get done today (we have clean underwear and clean cereal bowls & spoons, so we're good), but I have a whole mountain of things I'd like to get done. The problem is that at best I can hope to accomplish three things in a day. Three. The rest of the day is chasing this baby around the house, saving his life or the life of whatever he found -a book, an important piece of mail, the remote control. We have baby-proofed, but the Pirate and his amazing father are not always aware of the things they're leaving within his reach -like knives, and iPads, and paperback picture books. I'm pretty sure the ratios are about 20 seconds of every minute go to the health and safety of the baby, and another 10 to 15 go to the Pirate. It results in... about three things outside of motherhood can get checked off my list on an average day. Today seems so full of possibility.

Okay. Baby is at my feet begging for a new diaper. So, I'll begin there.
And now.

UPDATE: How the day resolved.

That diaper was a full blow-out. After the clean-up and laundry, it was time to feed him. By then I was forward a little over an hour into the day. I put the baby down for his nap, did some puzzles with the Pirate, jumped in the shower, and then it was lunchtime.

AND sometime after the diaper drama and before the puzzles I remembered that today was the day my SIL's doc scheduled her C-section. Many, many texts and phone calls were exchanged today. Pictures and news finally came later in the afternoon. She's darling, a clone of her big sister, and having a bit of problems that are preventing her from being snuggled by her momma.

THEN somewhere between texts, my BFF called to tell me she's booked a flight to come see me this summer.

And because this was turning up to be a "Could this day be anymore awesome?" kind of day with the birth of a niece and the booked flight of my dear friend, I thought I'd push it and send a picture book ms off to a potential publisher.

I also managed to get some invites dropped off for a class I'm teaching later in the week, and so- overall: productive.

A shower.
A ms submission.
An errand.

AND the gym. I think that should count. Even if I forgot my gym shoes and had to WOD in socks.

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