Thursday, February 5

this is where we are...

Pirate is sick. Not sick enough to just lay there half-conscious in quiet misery, but just enough to lay there, and in the whiniest, most dramatic voice possible shout out complaints and demands.
My throat hurts!
I have a fever!
I need more water!
I'm hungry!
I need my blanket flat!
Moooo-ooomm! Fix my blanket!
Give me some Cheerios!
I don't want this show anymore!
I want a different show!
Moooo-ooomm! Change my show!!
I need more water!
No, Bear! No!
Moooo-oommm, Bear won't leave me alone!

Every ten minutes. All day long.

We're on day two, if you can call it "day." The sun isn't up yet, but we've been up for an hour and a half.

Bear has quickly discovered how very fun it is to annoy his couch-bound brother. He likes to crawl over and pull on the blanket because it makes Pirate cry. It would be funny if it didn't also include Bear being coughed on and manhandled by Pirate's germy fingers. I really REALLY don't want to deal with two semi-sickies.

I put Bear in his chair with a pile of Cheerios, hoping it would serve as breakfast and a three-minute break for me. He tossed all the Cheerios on the floor, then cried for more.

Now, he's sitting under the table, eating Cheerios and ironically I'm shopping for a camera because I don't have one aside from the one on my phone and as I told Hubs last night:

I need something to document our days.

Because...  I want to remember days like this? *snort*

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